It seems that ever since I had my 24th birthday I have been slowly and consistently gaining weight and getting lazy. Sometimes I feel that it is my right. I'm an adult, if I want to follow that path, I know no one will stop me. I like to sleep in. I like to eat out. I like to watch movies. I like to make and eat baked goods. Problem is - I'd also like to be able to walk up a flight of stairs with out breathing hard!! and somewhere inside of me I really do believe that I should take care of my body.
Last year I decided that I would start running. Spring of 2010 - I knew there needed to be a plan - so I walked and walked and walked....then I tried to jog (but often ended up walking) one of my awesome roommates often offered to come along and was a great cheerleader. I found that I do not self-motivate. I do better when someone is watching. I push myself and try harder. I started having more energy and I slept better at night. The system seemed to be working and I felt great.
Then it got cold - and I stopped - everything I had started.
Feb 3rd, Living Social offered a month of Boot Camp Exercise Classes for $25. The class is 45 minutes and starts at 5:15 AM - Monday thru Friday. I think it would be a great way to get back on that horse - you know the one I fell off of in the fall? Seems like a good deal right?
Well the class is full of skinny, toned girls. They can do push ups, sit ups, run the stairs and do a million reps with out slowing down. I can honestly say that it intimidates me. I may also admit that I get discouraged that I can't seem to do a fraction of what everyone in the room is doing and that after 3 classes, I was sure that I would quit. But, the very best part is - that I also think it is funny. Funny that I can't even do one push up or one sit up. Funny that my arms are burning after 5 reps and funny that I have to move out of the way on the stairs so I don't get run over.
Now ask me why would I share this internal drama with my friends? I'd like you to hold me to my commitment. I signed up for three months of this torture - March, April and May. My teacher promises that I will see progress if I do my best during every class. So please, ask me how it is going and when I tell you how horrible it is, give me a hug and tell me I can do it!